Flexibility is the key to a successful yoga practice. It’s essential for getting into and out of poses with ease, increasing your range of motion, and avoiding injury during practice. But if you’re just beginning, it can feel intimidating to start working on improving your flexibility. If this is your goal, here are some pointers to keep in mind.

Increase Bends and Arches
One of the easiest ways to improve your flexibility for yoga is to increase the poses that use bends and arches. For example, downward facing dog is a great pose to start with.
You start off with your body in a bent position making a reversed V shape with your body. Your rear is the point of the triangle or V. You are stretched at your arms and your legs. This helps improve flexibility over time by being able to increase the stretch and the move by bringing your hands and feet closer together over time.
You can do this technique with other poses and asanas as well. Some of these include any of your forward or reverse bends and your rocking boat and bridge techniques, depending on the type of yoga you are doing and how advanced you are.
Integrate Stretches into Your Practice
Another great way to improve your flexibility is to incorporate stretches into your yoga routine. These can be as simple or complex as you’d like, depending on the type and level of yoga being practiced. For example, a basic stretch for beginners could be something along the lines of grabbing your foot and bringing it up to meet your opposite thigh.
You can also add in more dynamic stretches like raising your arms over your head and side-bending to the right and left, alternating each stretch. This helps warm up the body and increase circulation for a deeper sense of relaxation during yoga practice.
Move Away from the Wall
Some asanas and yoga poses have you using a wall as a wall sit or as a backup for your legs. The problem with this is that you don’t really work your leg muscles or back muscles. This means you do not get the flexibility you are looking for or want.
The wall gives your body a backup so you are resting against the wall rather than using your muscles fully. Thus, moving away from the wall and starting using your own muscles and body to do the pose is a great way to improve your flexibility and learn to balance in each asana.
Use Bricks and Straps to Support Yourself
When you first start out working on your flexibility, you may get discouraged quickly, especially with yoga. What you will find is that you aren’t able to keep your legs or arms stretched as much as you thought. So, what is the solution?
Instead of getting discouraged, use bricks and straps. With straps you can start with a certain length on the strap and shorten that length overtime or remove the strap completely, while bricks can be used to help you stay in the pose at first or to help with balance.
By using these tools, you can eventually get better flexibility without feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. When you are getting more comfortable with a pose, you can start to move away from the bricks and straps.
Stay Hydrated & Nourished
Staying hydrated and nourished is essential for optimal flexibility. When your body is well-hydrated, it makes stretching feel easier and more comfortable. Eating a healthy, balanced diet ensures that your muscles are getting the nutrients they need to recover and stay strong.
In addition to eating right, you should also make sure that you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This will not only help with flexibility but will also keep your body functioning at its best during your yoga or exercise routine.
Start Slow and Steady
When tackling any new pose or trying to increase flexibility, it’s important to start slow. Don’t try to do too much too soon. If a pose feels uncomfortable or painful, stop and back off until you can try again without pain or discomfort. The idea is not to push yourself beyond your limits, but to gradually stretch and gain flexibility over time.
If you cannot practice one specific pose on day one, don’t get discouraged. Instead, work slowly and gradually increase your range of motion until you can reach the full pose eventually. This way you can avoid any potential injuries or pain from pushing yourself too hard.
Practice Regularly
Finally, one of the best ways to increase your yoga flexibility is by being consistent with practice. This means not only making sure you attend classes, but also setting aside time at home for regular stretching and strengthening exercises.
You cannot expect to be perfect in a day, but with steady and consistent practice, you will experience improvements in flexibility over time. By committing to regular practice, your body can start to become more flexible and responsive to the poses.
You can also add modifications to each pose as needed so that it works for your body type and level of flexibility. For example, if you cannot do a full wheel pose, start with half wheel and work your way up.
Ultimately, yoga is not just about learning how to move into certain postures; it’s also about allowing yourself to let go, breathe and connect with your body. And nothing can help with that more than patience, dedication and regular practice.
By focusing on the tips mentioned above, you should be able to improve your flexibility for yoga poses or any other stretching exercises. Remember to breathe deeply and try to relax as much as possible when doing yoga poses, stay hydrated and nourished, use props if needed and start slow.
Improving flexibility takes patience, practice and proper technique. As long as you are consistent with your practice and stay mindful about your body’s limitations, you should be able to improve your flexibility over time.